When Once Is As Good As a Feast

A brief encounter with the otter kind

Deborah Barchi
2 min readJun 16, 2021


Photo by Ryan Grewell on Unsplash

One of my favorite walks takes me along a narrow country road. The paved but pitted road bisects protected woodland, with numerous small streams and hidden ponds.

For years this quiet walk has been a source of inspiration for my nature poems and short essays. But one day especially stands out in my mind.

The one and only time I saw a family of otters.

I have a special place in my heart for otters. I have always said that if ever I get to come back as another animal, I want it to be as a river otter.

I love their sleekness, playfulness, sociability, and daring. I don’t particularly shine in any of these areas in my own life, but I like to think as an otter I might mend my awkward ways.

But back to the encounter.

I was about halfway down the road, just where it started to dip down a hill, when I froze in my tracks. About fifty feet in front of me a mother otter and her baby were scampering across the road.

Spotting me, the mother urged her baby along with a series of imperative squeaks. The pair swiftly dove into the woodland on my right.



Deborah Barchi
Deborah Barchi

Written by Deborah Barchi

Deborah Barchi has recently retired from her career as a librarian and now has time to read, explore nature, and write poetry and essays.

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