Deborah Barchi
1 min readAug 20, 2020


Thank you, Holly, for taking the time and thought to give clarification to this whole issue. I admit I was pretty puzzled when I read the new Medium contract. I had a vague sense of unease, but not having worked in this kind of contractual arrangement before, I did not really know exactly what it was all about.

I am very grateful to you and other experienced writers on Medium for going further and sending your list of concerns to the administration of Medium. I agree that is important to “trust, but verify.” All of the points you make are important to all of us.

As a new writer on Medium, I feel especially vulnerable since I haven’t had time to really build a large following yet. But I enjoy writing here and receiving feedback from other writers, so I hope that will continue, without being taken advantage of by unfair contractual terms.

Thank you for helping us to understand the implications of the new contract and for helping us better understand our options. I really appreciate your clear, concise, and non-technical language.



Deborah Barchi

Deborah Barchi has recently retired from her career as a librarian and now has time to read, explore nature, and write poetry and essays.